Add calendar users to your shared calendar to allow multi-user editing or viewing.   Calendar administrators may add users individually to the calendar or import a list of users.

What is a calendar user?
Users have a password to the calendar and may do the following:

  • edit all events or selected calendar categories
  • view private calendar categories
  • view event private notes
  • receive event announcements and reminders, as well as RSVP

Step 1:  Go to Admin Menu > Users & Subscribers >

To add a user, click the  [Add User] button.
To edit a user, click the edit link next to the user’s name.




Step 2: Enter the user’s information.

Add your user’s first name, last name and email address.  We recommend that you “Let user create their own password,”  but you can also create a password for a user by choosing “create a password now.”


You may re-invite a user to create a password via the “pending users” tab, if they missed the first email.  Don’t worry, these pending users will still receive event emails and newsletters that you send out.

Email Us if your user does not have an email address, you can use a username instead.

Quick Tip: If you are not ready to invite your user to the calendar,  select “Create a password now” and create a temporary password.  You can edit the user and send login instructions later.


Step 3:  Set user editing permission (optional)

You can give a user permission to add/edit events in the calendar.    Here are the levels of user editing permission:

Owner – this calendar administrator who created the calendar.  Owners can add/edit events in all categories and edit all calendar options located in the Admin Menu.  The owner  cannot be deleted but can be edited.

Administrator – User that can add / edit events in all categories plus edit all calendar options located in the Admin Menu.  Administrators may add users and categories to the calendar.

Category Manager – User that can add and edit events for one or more assigned categories.  Managers cannot access the admin menu.

Self-Book – Special user that may add & edit only their own events and not another user’s events.  Must turn on “D. Self Booking” setting in specified categories.

View Only– User with no editing permissions checked.  This user may login to view private calendar categories and private notes.  This user may not edit the calendar, with one exception – if  “D. Self Booking” is turned on in particular category.



Step 4:  Assign to Email Group (optional)

Email groups are email lists inside your calendar.  Email groups make it easy to email reminders, newsletters,  announcements to a particular group of people.

A user may belong to 1 or several email groups.


You can create email groups in the Users & Subscriber > Email Group tab.



Step 5:  Save

Save user.  Next, you’ll see this new user appear in the user grid with status “OK” and user type reflecting the editing permissions that you set.


Email Us if you have any questions at all.  We are here to help.