There are three ways to provide a link back to your website from your calendar:
- Link from calendar organization subtitle: Login as Administrator, go to Admin Menu, click on Options. Under "Organization name" enter "Return to Website" or other suitable text. Under "Organization website address" enter the address of your website. When users click on the subtitle they will return to your website.
- Link from right and/or left logos: Login as Administrator, go to Admin Menu, click on Logo. Upload logo or graphic with "Return to Website" text. Under Logo Web Links tab, enter the address of your website. When users click on the logo image they will return to your website
- Link from custom button: Login as Administrator, go to Admin Menu, click on Options. Under Advanced Options tab, enter "Return to Website" or other suitable text in the field "Text label to show on button". Enter your website address into fhe field "Webpage or email address for button". When users click on the custom button they will return to your website