Feed CalendarWiz Events into your WordPress.com Blog
It's easy to feed your CalendarWiz events into your WordPress Blog by using your CalendarWiz RSS Feed. Follow the steps below:
- First, enable your RSS feed in CalendarWiz:
Login to Calendar as administrator > Admin Menu > under Calendar Settings > iCal and RSS Feeds > RSS Tab > Select Categories to include in feed ->
Set "Add to Beginning of Event Title" options: you will most likely want to uncheck the "Date and Time Stamp" and perhaps the "Event Category Name" -> Save
Insert your calendar's unique calendar identifier into the link below where is says "yourcalendaridentifier" Save this link in a notepad. This will be the link you copy into your WordPress RSS Widget.
http://www.calendarwiz.com/calendars/rssfeeder.xml?crd=yourcalendaridentifier&len=200&days=14&events=200&title=Calendar Events&cat=all&pdate=o
- Login to you WordPress Site and add the RSS Widget to the sidebar of your WordPress Blog via Appearance -> Widgets
- Paste your calendar's RSS link into the WP Widget's "Enter the RSS feed URL here:" field.
- Give the RSS feed a title, e.g. "Upcoming Events"
- Select Display Options Save and Close
More information on this topic:
The publish date or &pdate parameter in the above link is useful in sorting the display of events in the RSS widget. You will most likely want the &pdate value to be set to &pdate=o but here is the complete list of the values that can be used:
&pdate=o Event occurrence date (i.e. the start date of the event)
&pdate=c Event creation date
&pdate=e Event edit date (i.e. date event was last modified)
&pdate=n No date (i.e. do not include a pubDate tag in the event item output)
You may adjust other parameters in the RSS url to meet your needs:
&days=14 (controls # of days ahead to retrieve events - adjust as necessary)
&events=200 (controls max number of event to retrieve- adjust as necessary)
&cat=all (controls which categories included in feed - "all" may be substituted by a single category id #)
&pdate=o (adds a publication date to the feed and is necessary to get the feed working in WordPress and other CMS RSS Widgets