It's easy to add your CalendarWiz calendar or upcoming events list to a Weebly website.  These instructions will optimize your Calendarwiz calendar display on desktop, tablet, or phones.  Let's start by logging into your CalendarWiz calendar and your Weebly site.

STEP 1: Click to edit the Weebly webpage where you want to insert your calendar.

Quick Tip: If you need to add a new "Calendar" or "Events" page, simply click "Pages" and the + button.  If you're adding a new page, enter a page name.  We'd suggest picking a "Standard Page" with "No Header" and Save.

STEP 2:  Go to the Build tab and drag an "Embed Code"  block to Calendar web page

STEP 3: Next, click into the HTML element on your page.  Then click to "Edit Custom HTML" and you'll see that you enter some code.   

STEP 4: Copy and paste the code below.  Be sure to insert your unique calendar identifier name where it says yourcalendaridentifier in the code below.  You'll see your calendar appear.  Publish changes if you like.

NOTE: If you want your full calendar to open to a specific category or view, use the Website Integration tool:

Admin Menu > under Website Plugins > Website Integration

The Website Integration tool lets you set options and it automatically generates code for you.  When you're ready, just copy and paste the code into your website.

Here's the complete list of parameters that can be adjusted:

crd= calendar identifier name
calwidth= sets full calendar iframe width
calheight= sets full calendar iframe height
theme= upcoming events list theme displayed on phones
mobilepref= value sets what it displayed on phones. Set to list or mobile

  • mobilepref=list displays the upcoming events list on phones.  
  • mobilepref=mobile displays our mobile calendar on phones.

nolog=1 to hide the login button on full calendar. Insert &nolog=1 into script URL
cid[]= category id can be set to all or specific category ids
view= by default it's set to month view but may also be set to week, list, or day view.

skiptitle= to hide headline area with title and logos.  Recommended for embedded calendars.

STEP 5: Be sure that you've selected the categories that you want to display on your upcoming events list. Click here for tips on how to optimize your upcoming events list on phones.

STEP 6: Next, navigate to your calendar page while NOT in edit mode.  To view the upcoming events list, go to your calendar web page on your phone.