If your calendar is not opening to the current date:

Please check the link you are using to access the calendar.  The link may have been copied from the address bar of a browser and may contain date information from the previous session.  The correct calendar link that should be used is:


Where yourcalendaridentifier is the unique identifier for your calendar.

Note:  If you are using your browser favorites list or bookmarks list to access your calendar you can check the link by clicking on:

If using Internet Explorer

Favorites > Organize Favorites > Right click on the Favorite and select Properties from the menu list. 

Enter the correct URL in the form above and save. 

If using Chrome:

Go to Bookmarks menu > Bookmarks Manager > select Bookmark and edit calendar link to be in the above correct form.

If using Firefox:

Go to Bookmarks menu > Show all Bookmarks > Select Bookmark > below you will see the link associated with the Bookmark. Edit the link to be in the above correct form.

If using Safari:

Click on Book icon > Bookmarks will open > select booking and edit calendar link to be in the above correct form.