Option A:

A few customers have reported a delay in the loading of their web page after installing the Mini Calendar Widget. The problem was traced to a div in the customer's web page with the id='contentwrapper' or similar.  This may be related to DreamWeaver Project Seven extensions.

This problem was fixed by an adjustment to the web page's css for the #contentwrapper div by adding the css statement::


The problem seems to be caused by the div background not loading until the page is completely loaded, which includes the Mini Calendar Widget.  Since the Mini Calendar Widget is a database application, it's load time may be longer that other page elements.  This above fix allows the other elements to be displayed while the Mini Calendar Widget fetches event informaton from the database.

If this solution doesn't apply to your situation, please see Option B below.

Option B:

This option works toward the same overall strategy as Option A - to maximize the load of other page elements while the mini calendar and/or upcoming events list are doing their thing. This usually leads to visual appeal to the web page visitor. Much of this strategy depends 
on how the web page is constructed.

Here are the steps to take to load all other page elements before the mini calendar and/or upcoming events list.

  1. Place the mini calendar inside a new div, give the div and id of "cwmcalwrapper" and an inline style="display:none"
  2. Place the upcoming events list inside a new div, give the div and id of "cwulistwrapper" and an inline style="display:none"
  3. At the bottom of the web page put in a javascript function to change the display style of these elements to block so they become visible on page load

    function showcwwidgets() {
    document.getElementById('cwmcalwrapper').style.display = 'block';
    document.getElementById('cwulistwrapper').style.display = 'block';
  4. In the body tag put in an onload call to the above function, onload="showcwwidgets();