In some cases you may want to remove an image or multiple images from the file manager.  Please note that if you delete an image from the file manager that image will no longer appear in any events that were linked to it.

STEP 1) Before you begin, please note that when you delete an image from the file manager, that image will no longer appear in events where that image was embedded.

STEP 2) To delete an image, open the file manager via the event editor's description & images tab and click on file manager icon.


STEP 3) Use the search and sort options to locate the image(s) you want to delete. The "Sort"  by modification date can be helpful to list your images from oldest to newest. You might also toggle between the "Thumbnail" view and "List" view to confirm the image and modification dates prior to deleting an image/file.

STEP 4) Select the image to delete.  Next, right mouse click and select 'Remove' and confirm that you'd like to delete the selected file. You can select multiple images by holding the Shift Key or Control Key and then clicking on a multiple images.