You can create a Mobile Calendar View to show only selected locations in your Smartphone. We suggest adding the link as a browser bookmark or homescreen icon for future access.
- Login to your calendar on your desktop computer
- Go to Admin Menu > Locations
- Select a Location and click the [Edit] button
- Copy and paste the Location ID in the upper right into a note pad.
- Repeat steps 3 and 4 to get Location ID: for all locations you desire.
- Enter one of the following link formats where ###### is a Location ID.
Be sure to insert your unique calendar identifier and Location id number into the url.
You can create a link that opens to more than one Location by entering additional Location IDs. You may add &lid[]-###### as many times as you need to get your specific combination of Locations.[]=######&lid[]=######
- Open your Smartphone browser and enter the url that you built in Step 6.
Your Mobile Calendar will now only display events in the desired locations.
Occasionally, your phone may cache the old mobile url. In this case, you may need to clear your phone browser cache.
Interested in adding a homescreen icon?
Phone Home Screen Icon