Adding images to your upcoming events list is easy. You'll find that featuring an image next to your event titles makes events "pop" on your web page.
This is a demo upcoming events list
How it works...
- Start by going to the Admin Menu > under "Website Plugins" section > Upcoming Events List
Here you'll see sample events with thumbnail images. Go to the "Events" tab to adjust the width of the thumbnail.
- Next, add images to your event descriptions using our file manager.
Click + to add event > [More event options...] > Description & Images tab >
Click for step by step instructions for adding images to events - Now let's add the upcoming events list to your web page. Go to the "Script Tab" in the Upcoming Events List Admin Screen and Copy the JavaScript code. Paste this code into your web page.
Tip: If your website builder or content management system does not allow you to add JavaScript, we provide another option.
Learn more.
- Upload this change to your web page. Refresh and you'll see upcoming events list with thumbnail images.
Quick Tips: To get the best display for your site, you may need to adjust the number of characters displayed in the description text, event title font size, or the number of events to show in the list.
Go to admin menu > under website plugins > upcoming events list > list or events tab >
Please let us know if you have any questions. We are here to help.