The Full Event editor offers an expanded feature set for adding repeating events or events that require additional detail. Explore the tabs in the Full Editor to add an event description, file attachment, event contact info or select more than one category or more than one location.

Here’s how to add a Full Event…


STEP 1: Choose Event Date

Click a calendar day cell or click a + to add an event on that day. Our Quick Editor appears by default. If you want to add a repeating event or more detail, click [More Event Options…] to open Full Event editor. Type or select a date from the mini calendar.



Single day events will have the same start date and end date. For example, a committee meeting on Dec 5, 7PM to 8 PM.
Multi-day events* are individual events that span more than one day, for example, a retreat, vacation or project. These events will be displayed as a colored banner across multiple day cells.
Repeating events are different from multi-day events in that they recur in a specified pattern with a start date and a repeating end date. See below for more about repeating events.



STEP 2: Choose Your Event Time

Next, select your event time. Choose an all day event, no end time or select a start time with end time. When you set a start time, the end time automatically “jumps” ahead for you.


Quick Tip: The “jump ahead” time increment (e.g. 1 hr, 30 min, etc) in your calendar is equal to the span of time between the time default values in the Admin Menu > Options > Advanced tab.

STEP 3: Select Category or Categories

You must select category for an event. Think of categories as multiple “calendars” inside your calendar… but so much more. You can color-code and filter events by category as well as control “who can view” & “who can edit” each category.


Mirror categories: 
add an event to more than one category using our mirror category feature.
Primary category determines viewing permissions if your calendar has private categories.
Add categories to your calendar by clicking the gear next to the select category drop down.

STEP 4: Repeating Events

Add repeating or recurring events to your calendar. Select the repeating pattern and repeating event end date.


Repeating Event Types:

Every day: event that repeats every day for a specified number of days.
Every # days: event that repeats every 2, 3, or more days. Select 2 for every other day.
Every # weeks allows you to set a repeating event every Monday or every Monday through Friday, just pick every 1 week.
Monthly by date allows for an event like “Expense Report Due” on the 1st of each month .
Monthly by weekday allows for an event like “Staff Meeting” on the first Tuesday of each month.
Yearly by date: events that recur on the same date each year, e.g. birthdays, anniversaries. You may also check the “never ending” option.

Quick Tip: Have an irregular repeating pattern? Edit an existing event and use the [Copy] button to create another event to a different date.

STEP 5: Save Your Event

Click [Save] to publish the event to the calendar. [Save Draft] button to save event as a draft so it’s not view-able to public.

Delete Events by clicking (edit) and then the [Delete] button at bottom of screen.


STEP 6: Optional Tabs

Invite & Remind tab

Use this section to send an event invitation, announcement or reminder to users or subscribers. You may also request that email recipients RSVP to your event. Learn more about RSVP and Attendance tracking.



Send emails to: select recipients or everyone in my calendar. Click the [Select Recipients] button to open a list of users and subscribers. Select your recipients and click [Add Recipients].

Remove recipients: you may remove attendees by clicking the ‘X’ next to their name or click [Remove All] to delete the entire attendee list.

Quick Tip: Emails will not be sent for events saved as drafts. Event Emails are sent every 15 minutes on the quarters of the hour.

Location tab

Enter the location where an event takes place. Save a location if you’d like it to appear in the drop down list for next time.
If you selected a primary location in Quick Event, that location will be included when you branch to the Full Event editor. When you create a saved location you can filter events by that location in the main calendar views.


Multiple Locations:
you may select multiple saved locations for event. To enable the option in your calendar go to Admin Menu > Calendar Options > Check “Enable event multiple mirror locations” > Save
More info:
Calendar administrators and managers can click the ‘Manage Locations’ button to turn on conflict prevention, maps, or weather for a saved location.

Description & Images tab

Add description text, upload an images (png, jpg, gif, etc.) or attach files (.pdf, .doc, .xls, etc) to your event. Visitors or users will see this info in the event detail popup. For more on adding images to events. For more on attaching documents to events.

Place the mouse over each button to see an explanation of the button’s function.



Event contact: 
enter contact name, phone and email address. This information will appear in the event detail popup.
More info link: enter a web page link (also know as a URL) that will appear in the event detail popup and when clicked will open the linked web page.

Quick Tip: You can also set up your calendar so that your events open directly to your More Info Link. To set this option, go to Admin Menu > Calendar Options > Expert Option> Event More Info Link Options for details.


Private Note tab

This optional screen allows you to enter private notes for the event. Private notes are only visible by logged in user or logged-in editors.

Private notes will appear in the event popup window when a logged-in user clicks on the event title in the calendar. Use private notes to enter information about room setup, equipment, or other info that you don’t want viewed by the public.


Review Tab

Review a summary of the event information to confirm event accuracy then click “Save” or “Save Draft.”


Full Editor Options:

Disable Quick Event: turn off Quick Event editor go to Admin Menu > Options > Advanced tab > Uncheck Enable Quick Events > Save

Date picker format: Go to Admin Menu > Options > Advanced tab > select the “31/12/2017” or “12/31/2017” date format.

Disable event title styling: Admins may turn off event title styling options in the editor.
Admin Menu > Options > advanced > uncheck “allow custom style and colors for event titles.”

Disable mirror categories: Allow events to be added to a single category only.
Admin Menu > Options > Basic Options > uncheck “Enable event mirror categories” > Save

Location editing: Admins may limit updating saved locations to calendar administrators only.
Admin menu > Calendar Options > Options >’Only administrators can add / edit saved locations’
Administrators can also manage the calendar’s saved locations via Admin Menu > Locations.

Day cell click to add events: when you click on a day cell in month or week view, the event editor opens automatically. To disable this option
Admin Menu > Options > Advanced > UNcheck “Enable click on day box to add event”

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