You can color the days with events in your Mini Calendar Plugin by adding a small snippet of CSS.
Here is a screenshot of what it will look like when days with events have a background color:
First, you must add your mini calendar to your web page.
Next, simply copy and paste the CSS below into the head tag of the web page that contains the mini calendar plugin or add the statement to your website's CSS file. Be sure to include the style tags if you insert into the head tag of the web page.
<style> [cw_hasevents=true] { background-color:#90EE90 !important; } </style>
You may change the background-color to any color that you like. Just replace the #90EE90 in the CSS statement with another hex color code.
Here are a few nice colors to pick from, but we'd be glad to give you an exact match to your website.
Orange = #DF9259
Teal = #84CDE0
Gold = #FFD262
Green = #90EE90
Please email us with any questions at