1. Set up an iCal feed from your CalendarWiz Calendar 

    Go to CalendarWiz calendar -> Login as an Administrator -> Go to Admin Menu -> iCal and RSS Feeds -> Check “Check to Enable iCal Feed” -> Select desired categories to include in feed -> Save


    Go to your back to your CalendarWiz calendar and click on the Subscribe: iCal / RSS link below the month name. Copy the iCal URL from the window that opens.

    Note: only public categories are only available for ical feeds off the calendar.  If you wish to include public and private categories in an iCal feed for personal use, follow the link to the following knowledgebase article on this topic:

    Public and Private iCal feeds

  2. Set up a CalendarWiz iCal feed to go into Google Calendar

    Login to Google Calendar -> Go to lower left-hand side “Other Calendars”  -> Click the dropdown arrow next to "Other Calendars" and Select “Add by URL”  -> Paste the CalendarWiz iCal url into the Google URL field -> Select if you want the Calendar to be publicly accessible on Google -> Click [Add Calendar]

    You will now see your CalendarWiz events appear on the list of "Other calendars." Click on Settings to change the name of the calendar and other features.  Please note that Google refreshes calendar subscriptions at a minimun of one time a day.  Please note that changes to your CalendarWiz calendar made just after a refresh will not appear until the next Google Calendar refresh.

    Note: You cannot make changes to your CalendarWiz calendar from Google, though can set reminders for CalendarWiz events in Google.

Troubleshooting:  Google is very aggressive in caching ical feeds.  If you are testing feeds or need to force the Google Calendar to refresh your iCal feed, you can add a &foo=12345 directly to the end of your iCal url. The &foo=12345 component of the URL is to "trick"  Google into thinking it is a different link than the one it has cached. This should give you a complete update.